Nova features an immersive storyline that goes beyond just a plot. Add more.
We will be hosting a global server leaderboard. A portion of each users earned Nova Credits is added to the server-wide pool. Be the server with the highest amount of Nova Credits.
Nova is completely free to play. There are no premium features, what you see is what you get. Can you find the secrets of the universe?
Nova's commands are very simple and straightforward. You can also use /help to receive a list of all commands. Or use the button below.
Please reach us at nova@aidenhovren. if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We are planning to turn Nova's story into a franchise. We have plans for an animated film, an open-world game, as well as an IOS App.
We are aiming to make Nova available to the public on March 18, 2025.
We’re always open to community contributions! If you're interested in helping with development, artwork, or game ideas, reach out in our Discord server or through our contact form.
Copyright © 2025 Aiden Hovren. All Rights Reserved